Researching a dance piece involves not just movement but also reading, writing and sketching. A bibliography for our upcoming dance production AFTERLIFE and some mind maps give you a glimpse into this side of our work.
Night Fever: Designing Club Culture, Ausstellungsbuch, Vitra Design Museum
Keeping Together in Time: Dance and Drill in Human History, William H Mc Neill
“Euphoric response to keeping together in time is too deeply implanted in our genes to be exorcized for long.”
George Floyd and a Community of Care, G.E. Patterson LINK HIER
“If community is more important than objects, then our reasoning could be clear: if the mysteries of grief and traditions of oblation are, in a profound sense, anti-art; are antithetical to the museological and art-historical practices of identifying artist and collector and provenance (and market value; then there could be a choice in the offing.
Angesteckt: Zeitgemässis über Pandemie und Kultur, Elisabeth Bronfen
“Wir können die Illusion der eigenen Unverwundbarkeit nicht mehr aufrechterhalten. Wir müssen (wieder) ein anderes Verhältnis zum Tod einnehmen.”
Flight Ways: Life and Loss at the Edge of Extinction, Thom Van Dooren
“Narrative is my way into the complexity of extinction; stories allow us to hold open simultaneously a range of points of view, interpretations, temporalities and possibilities.”
“Grief …is a complex biosocial achievement, requiring the coming together of evolutionary histories and emotional and cognitive competencies to produce embodied subjects who are unavoidably emotionally entangled with one another…who have in some way become at stake in each other, bound up with what matters to each other. In other words, they in some sense, more or less consciously, have come to inhabit a meaningfully shared world.”
Zwischen Gut und Böse, Text und Interviews, Alfred A Häsler, Redaktion und Geschichte der Ethik, Niklaus Flüeler
The Birth of Tragedy, Friedrich Nietzsche
My Friend, I Care: The Grief Experience (pamphlet), Barbara Karnes
Eine kurze Geschichte des Tanzes, Dagmar Ellen Fischer
Anmut und Disziplin: Tanz in der Bildende Kunst, Helga Thalhofer
Tanz Körper Politik, Johannes Odenthal
Gilgamesh, English Translation Stephen MitchellToo Young to Die, Patricia Fox-Scheinwold
Das Passende Leben, Remo H Largo
Figur Entwicklung
Gilgamesh, English Translation Stephen MitchellToo Young to Die, Patricia Fox-Scheinwold
Das Passende Leben, Remo H Largo